<p>Black Silk Pajamas is the unique, true love story of Mia Thi Nguyen, former First Lady of South Vietnam and her husband Prime Minister Loc Van Nguyen. She grew from a poor village girl to a freedom fighter and secret agent in her war torn country.</p> <p>Black Silk Pajamas recounts Mais undying faith in a premonition of becoming the wife of her God-chosen husband, Prime Minister Loc Van Nguyen and tells of the pain and suffering Mai endured for her love of family, country, and freedom.</p> <p>Ms. Nguyens story begins with her as a young lady, trained in the art of espionage. Her story chronicles her first deadly experiences as a courier of top-secret documents, her imprisonment in Viet Cong concentration camps, and her subsequent escapes.</p> <p>Living much of her adult life in Vietnam with a price on her head, Mai eventually, through her faith in destiny, arranged to meet the Prime Minister. Although married, he instantly fell in love with Mai, and several years later divorced his wife and married her.</p> <p>This story tells of harrowing accounts of her many attempts to flee South Vietnam with Prime Minister Nguyen and their newborn infant daughter, failing more than fifteen times.</p> <p>Finally, after several years they succeeded, but became separated from each other. They were part of the boat people and joined more than a million other Vietnamese refugees to flee the now communist ruled country. They floated for weeks in the South China Sea praying for rescue, political asylum and a better life in America.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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